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NASRE: Economic Hardship And Charting A Path Forward

In the labyrinth of Nigeria’s economic landscape, a pervasive wave of hardship has engulfed the nation, leaving its citizens navigating through soaring costs, diminished purchasing power, and profound lifestyle adjustments. The complex interplay of policy reforms, notably the removal of fuel subsidies and the unification of exchange rates, has ushered in a new era of financial struggle for many, creating a multi-faceted crisis that requires a comprehensive exploration.

For instance, Nigeria battles with a record high inflation rate of 28.92 per cent in December 2023 from 28.20 per cent in November, and a food inflation rate of 33.93 per cent, which is driven by increases in prices of staple food items such as oil and fat, meat, bread and cereals, potatoes, yam and Other tubers, fish, milk, cheese, and eggs.

In fact, latest global hunger index report has ranked Nigeria 109 out of 125 countries as one of the countries with the most hungry population in the world.

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